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October 14, 2024 — Lorraine Creith
The Leaves Are Starting To Fall

The Leaves Are Starting To Fall

Autumn.. the most beautiful time of year with the leaves falling (which your pet will love to jump through) its also important to keep in mind how to keep your pets health at its best during this season! 



We get it, the cold, dark evenings are not ideal for walks, we would all love to be cosy in the house with a bit blanket and a good movie but its important to keep your pet in a good routine, maintain a good weight and keep their fitness levels top tier! 

To keep their joints in good condition you can try our Yumove or joint supplements to keep your pooch happy and healthy.

Its also important to factor in your dogs diet, if they are not getting their normal amount of exercise they wont be burning the same amount of energy, therefore you may notice a slight weight gain if they are still getting as many yummy treats! 


Your pets love to join in on the fun when it comes to this time of year but it is so important to keep in mind that they cannot have any 'human sweets' as some sweets contain an artificial sweetener called Xylitol, which is toxic to your pets.

Pumpkins, although they are not poisonous, if consumed in large quantities, they could lead to your pet having a sensitive tummy. Also, if using candles in your pumpkins, make sure these are out of reach from your pet and can’t be knocked over.


With the door being knocked, the doorbell going and fireworks making loud bangs this can cause your animals a lot of stress and anxiety and this is the time of year we notice most dogs will run away due to being so scared. Here's some tips on how to help:

>Keep calm yourself when loud bangs go off, if you don't react they will follow your lead. Try not to fuss over them, just reassure them calmly and be as 'normal' as possible.

>Provide a safe place, with their favourite blanket, toys and treats to help reduce stress, also try and keep them indoors as much as possible, close the curtains and have the tv or music on to try and block out the noise.

>Don't punish them, they might misbehave or have a few accidents, they don't mean to, its just their natural reaction to how they're feeling.

>You can try natural calming remedies, such as a lavender scent in the home or lavender treats.

You can check out our range here.

Licky mats are also great way to distract your dog and we also have anxiety coats which will help your dog feel like their getting a big hug!


As the colder weather comes in, its important to keep things like Anti freeze for the car away somewhere they cannot reach and make sure they do not eat conkers & acorns. 

If your dog spends a lot of time outside you will need to make sure they have sufficient shelter, for any smaller animals, its important that they are brought inside during the colder months.

For walking in the dark check out our other blog for top tips and safety for you and your dog 


Hopefully this will help you prepare for Autumn with your best friends, for any other advice or if you have seen anything on our website you want to know more about give us a call 02827663513 or you can live chat on our wesbite! 

August 26, 2024 — Lorraine Creith
Delightful Doggy Destinations In Northern Ireland

Delightful Doggy Destinations In Northern Ireland

We are so fortunate in Northern Ireland to have such an amazing choice of beautiful beaches and a captivating countryside to choose from right on our doorstep. 

Please do not leave your dog in your car unless you are quickly popping in to use the facilities.  If a dog is left in the car and appears distressed the National Trusts' policy is to inform the USPCA.


  • Keep them close
  • Pick up the poo
  • Watch the signs
  • Stay on the ball
  • Being able to recall 
  • Being able to clearly see your dog at all times
  • Not allowing them to approach other visitors without their consent
  • Have a lead with you at all times

 Here is some of our favourite dog friendly places around Northern Ireland.


Giant's Causeway is a three pawprint rated place.

Three pawprints shows the very best places you can visit for a day with your dog. You’ll be able to take your dog to most areas, including indoors for a cup of tea and a treat. There’ll be clearly signed dog zones and dog-friendly experiences.

You can soak up spectacular coastal vistas, see the world-famous stones and spot seasonal wildlife. Enjoy the Giant’s Causeway Clifftop Experience – a fully guided 5-mile hike from the ruin of Dunseverick Castle, along the coastline to Northern Ireland’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Giant’s Causeway.



    Portstewart Strand is a one pawprint rated place.Dogs are welcome here, but facilities are limited.

    Portstewart Strand is the starting point for the 33-mile (53km) Causeway Coast Way to Ballycastle.

    Please keep your dog on a lead at all times on the beach. Cattle graze within the dunes and can be spooked by dogs off leads. Dogs running off lead can also disturb ground nesting birds and local wildlife. You can let your dog off the lead past post 10pm.


    *Livestock grazing on the grounds of the demesne, please keep all dogs on a lead*

    Downhill Demesne is a one pawprint rated place

    Water bowls are available for your dog at Lion's Gate and Bishop's Gate.Dogs on leads are welcome at Downhill and there are plenty of opportunities for walking jumping and sniffing through the estate. We know dogs are part of the family, so they can join you on every step of the way as you explore this coastal landscape steeped in history and nature.

    Pull on your walking boots and stride out on a coastal adventure with your pooch. Explore the sheltered clifftop garden, including the Walled Garden, orchard and arboretum with its rare and non-native trees.

    You can also stroll around the lake, walk along the cliffs and soak up dramatic coastal views of the North Atlantic. Visit the ruins of the old Bishop’s house and stop by Mussenden Temple for a must-have photo at one of Ireland's most photographed places, inspired by the Tivoli Temple of Vesta in Italy.

    You can explore the grounds at your own leisure or follow the Downhill Demesne walking trail which hugs the headland, loops through the garden and takes you to the Temple.


    Castle Ward is a three pawprint rated place.

    Dogs on leads are welcome across the estate, in the garden and in the Stableyard Tea-room.

    There is a designated off-lead dog exercise field located near the admission hut and main car park where you can let your dog have a stretch off the lead. Only service dogs are allowed in the shop and house.

    Dogs must be kept on leads at all times on the estate including on the trails, due to their varied nature. Around a corner you might find a horse rider, a family, a cyclist, or even all three at once.

    There are cattle and sheep grazing across the estate, as well as a variety of wildlife – please do keep your dog on a lead for the safety of all.

    Drinking bowls for your dog are positioned in the stableyard and farmyard. Bins are available in each car park.


    Mount Stewart is a two pawprint rated place.

    Dogs on leads are welcome in the pleasure grounds, woodland walks, courtyard, shop and tea-room in the covered outdoor area.

    There is an off-lead dog exercise area located next to Car Park 2 where you can let your dogs stretch their legs off the lead. Please ensure that you maintain close control over your dog in the exercise area, keep them within your sight at all times and ensure that your dog will respond immediately to your recall.. In the indoor part of the Tea-room and house only assistance dogs are allowed.

    Freshly filled water bowls for your dog are positioned outside the reception area, courtyard and opposite the house. Please ask at reception if these need to be topped up and the team will be happy to assist. There is also a water tap in the dog exercise field and water bowls available at Trailhead.

    Professional dog walkers must obtain a licence if they wish to carry out their work at Mount Stewart, which allows professional dog walkers to legally walk up to four dogs at any one time. The annual licence costs £125 per year. Licences will need to be renewed each year.

    You can get a licence for professional dog walking across our site by visiting Mount Stewart reception or email the team at: 



    August 24, 2024 — Pet & Country
    Winter Evenings & Doggy Safety

    Winter Evenings & Doggy Safety

    As the Winter evenings approach your puppers still need their walk,  so here's some tips on how to keep you and them safe during you darker evening walks! 

    >Keep in well lit areas.
    Keeping in areas with well lit paths will help you be visible to oncoming traffic, help you avoid obstacle and keeping to trails that you and your dog are familiar with, will help you both enjoy a safe and comfortable journey! 
    >Make sure they are on a lead at all times!
    Even though dogs can see better in the dark than humans, the dark can change their behavior. For example, objects that are normal during the day might look scary at night, like someone wearing all black. Keeping your dog on a lead can help keep them safe. If you do let your dog off the lead,make sure they have something visible on them like a light of high vis accessories.
    Dogs have some advantages in the dark, like light-sensitive rods in their eyes that give them better night vision than humans. They also have a layer of cells in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light and magnifies their vision. However, dogs still need some light to see, and objects that are normal during the day might look scary at night.
    August 24, 2024 — Lorraine Creith


    Why adopt a dog?

     Cost– included in the small adoption fee, you will often find that this will cover all vaccines and sometimes may even include microchipping. Make sure to check what is covered when you are adopting to ensure your new family member is up to date with all requirements.

    Help fight against puppy farms – These horrible factory-style breeding facilities have poor conditions with little to no medical care. The mother dogs are kept in cages and bred repeatedly without any companionship or love until they are no longer useful and then they are disposed of.

    Second chance- some dogs need to rebuild their trust and how will they do so if they don't have a home? They all deserve a loving home to chill out on the sofa and eat their favourite treats so why not give them a new lease of life and let them know what a real family is like.

    It is important to consider your lifestyle when adopting a new dog as they may have a lot of additional needs, emotionally and physically. Sometimes a certain dog may not suit your family. So do not rush in making your decision to make sure you are making the right choice for both you and the pet.


    All animals deserve to be loved and cared for. Every dog has their day.



    One of our chosen charities Benvardin Kennels are heros for dogs and are there for them when they need someone the most.

    Benvardin remain open to unwanted and homeless pets 365 days a year, and their centre is currently open to the public by appointment only. They're seeing more unwanted pets who need urgent surgery, lengthy training and rehabilitation, please support their work today.

    The suggested donation to adopt a dog from Benvardin Kennels is £200. This money goes towards the cost of the vaccinations, micro-chipping,neutering, the relevant council dog licences and insurance for 4 weeks with Petplan.


    Contact them on:

    07518 370478

    or have a look at some of adoptees today at Benvardin Kennels



    May 15, 2024 — Pet & Country