As the Winter evenings approach your puppers still need their walk,  so here's some tips on how to keep you and them safe during you darker evening walks! 

>Keep in well lit areas.
Keeping in areas with well lit paths will help you be visible to oncoming traffic, help you avoid obstacle and keeping to trails that you and your dog are familiar with, will help you both enjoy a safe and comfortable journey! 
>Make sure they are on a lead at all times!
Even though dogs can see better in the dark than humans, the dark can change their behavior. For example, objects that are normal during the day might look scary at night, like someone wearing all black. Keeping your dog on a lead can help keep them safe. If you do let your dog off the lead,make sure they have something visible on them like a light of high vis accessories.
Dogs have some advantages in the dark, like light-sensitive rods in their eyes that give them better night vision than humans. They also have a layer of cells in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light and magnifies their vision. However, dogs still need some light to see, and objects that are normal during the day might look scary at night.
August 24, 2024 — Lorraine Creith

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