Autumn.. the most beautiful time of year with the leaves falling (which your pet will love to jump through) its also important to keep in mind how to keep your pets health at its best during this season! 



We get it, the cold, dark evenings are not ideal for walks, we would all love to be cosy in the house with a bit blanket and a good movie but its important to keep your pet in a good routine, maintain a good weight and keep their fitness levels top tier! 

To keep their joints in good condition you can try our Yumove or joint supplements to keep your pooch happy and healthy.

Its also important to factor in your dogs diet, if they are not getting their normal amount of exercise they wont be burning the same amount of energy, therefore you may notice a slight weight gain if they are still getting as many yummy treats! 


Your pets love to join in on the fun when it comes to this time of year but it is so important to keep in mind that they cannot have any 'human sweets' as some sweets contain an artificial sweetener called Xylitol, which is toxic to your pets.

Pumpkins, although they are not poisonous, if consumed in large quantities, they could lead to your pet having a sensitive tummy. Also, if using candles in your pumpkins, make sure these are out of reach from your pet and can’t be knocked over.


With the door being knocked, the doorbell going and fireworks making loud bangs this can cause your animals a lot of stress and anxiety and this is the time of year we notice most dogs will run away due to being so scared. Here's some tips on how to help:

>Keep calm yourself when loud bangs go off, if you don't react they will follow your lead. Try not to fuss over them, just reassure them calmly and be as 'normal' as possible.

>Provide a safe place, with their favourite blanket, toys and treats to help reduce stress, also try and keep them indoors as much as possible, close the curtains and have the tv or music on to try and block out the noise.

>Don't punish them, they might misbehave or have a few accidents, they don't mean to, its just their natural reaction to how they're feeling.

>You can try natural calming remedies, such as a lavender scent in the home or lavender treats.

You can check out our range here.

Licky mats are also great way to distract your dog and we also have anxiety coats which will help your dog feel like their getting a big hug!


As the colder weather comes in, its important to keep things like Anti freeze for the car away somewhere they cannot reach and make sure they do not eat conkers & acorns. 

If your dog spends a lot of time outside you will need to make sure they have sufficient shelter, for any smaller animals, its important that they are brought inside during the colder months.

For walking in the dark check out our other blog for top tips and safety for you and your dog 


Hopefully this will help you prepare for Autumn with your best friends, for any other advice or if you have seen anything on our website you want to know more about give us a call 02827663513 or you can live chat on our wesbite! 

August 26, 2024 — Lorraine Creith

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